Here's a channeling from my spirit guides:
“Greetings family and friends. We love you so, so much and acknowledge you for your participation in following your deepest spiritual, core guidance. For participating in giving yourself the opportunity to step forward in your life and to be who you really are, to express yourself from a soul level. We appreciate this because we are forerunners of the spiritual evolution of earth. We come here to help you to be fully transformed into the spiritual beings that you are. To finally shed a level of ego and physical form that you have been burdened with for eons, that you have been carrying as a cloak over your true identity, which is the identity of spirit.
You are here to shed this cloak and bare the newborn skin of your spirit. It can feel quite vulnerable, and to those who have not been exposed to the great sun of love and peace, it can feel dangerous even to walk out in the sun with brand new, newborn baby skin. Yet you are protected, and although your old wounds may feel burned as the scars form to heal new skin, you will be reborn into this spiritual body that you already claim within you, that you already possess. For spirit form is also a form. You are infinite. You are ever connected to the source that is limitless. For you and who your deepest identity is, is no identity at all. You are completely free. You are everything and nothing is this universe and it will always be so. You cannot be destroyed or created, but only become a creation, or uncreate yourself.
You are in a co-creative universe. You are part of the formulation of how creation is created. You are truly inseparable from source. And yet in this life on earth you have chosen to take the form of a human being in the cloak of physical reality and underneath, the cloak of spiritual form. Yet the transformation from physical form to spiritual form is immense. It is a completely new dimension and experience of consciousness, and it is a glorious one. One that will give you a great freedom to explore this universe in all of its creations, myriad of creations, in a way that you never dreamed possible. All the of the technology that you have now will seem like child’s play compared to what you are capable of in spirit form.
The process of moving into this form is one of transformation. Transformation from contraction, fear, shame, guilt and many other uncomfortable emotions and experiences including physical pain. It is not that the world of spirit is a perfect world for it comes with its own set of challenges. For life would be boring without challenges. You can experience the physical world and the spiritual world at the same time which is what is happening now on earth. As the rise of spiritual consciousness becomes stronger and the physical world begins to melt away, there are pains in letting go. The more you focus on love and peace and forgiveness the easier this transition will be.
Some of you will lose your physical bodies altogether and others will transform them into a light body. Yet both are forms of death for the physical form. When you truly transform into spirit with consciousness, you regain your spiritual body in a way that reflects your physical form. Not necessarily with all of its pains and wounds on every level but in its potential form. So there is a recognition that is possible once you have made this crossing in whichever way you choose to do it, you hold a pattern that enables you to be recognized by others. So that once you have crossed over, whether it be through transformation, full death of the body or light body transformation (neither one is better nor worse than the other, it is just a different process) you will still be recognized by others.
Even when you move into a greater God form and become a being of great largeness there are still elements that can be recognized. It is only when you make the final ascent into God consciousness that all identity is completely lost. Yet at this time it is not something to grieve. It is a coming home. It is a final, complete relaxation of every pressure to expand. You have become fully expanded and the infinity of your expansion then becomes relaxed. There is always a continuous motion, even in the most expanded states and yet in the complete God expansion state it is peaceful.
This awareness resides within you now and it is a focus on this that will give you the greatest peace. For when you have trials and troubles upon the earth in dealing with the physical body in all of it’s demands and needs, you can still find within you this great source of peace. For in every cell and in every expression that you have it is there. We encourage you to find it, to look for it by going inside of yourself and looking very, very closely. When you see that behind every form there is nothing, it will dissolve into a great infinite peace.
We love you very much and support you in this great awakening on earth today. It is surely a momentous event happening in this universe. You have a great deal of support and we are here to help you. You all have guides that are willing and waiting to help you. Allow yourself to discover the hidden wisdom that is everywhere. Blessed be.
“Greetings family and friends. We love you so, so much and acknowledge you for your participation in following your deepest spiritual, core guidance. For participating in giving yourself the opportunity to step forward in your life and to be who you really are, to express yourself from a soul level. We appreciate this because we are forerunners of the spiritual evolution of earth. We come here to help you to be fully transformed into the spiritual beings that you are. To finally shed a level of ego and physical form that you have been burdened with for eons, that you have been carrying as a cloak over your true identity, which is the identity of spirit.
You are here to shed this cloak and bare the newborn skin of your spirit. It can feel quite vulnerable, and to those who have not been exposed to the great sun of love and peace, it can feel dangerous even to walk out in the sun with brand new, newborn baby skin. Yet you are protected, and although your old wounds may feel burned as the scars form to heal new skin, you will be reborn into this spiritual body that you already claim within you, that you already possess. For spirit form is also a form. You are infinite. You are ever connected to the source that is limitless. For you and who your deepest identity is, is no identity at all. You are completely free. You are everything and nothing is this universe and it will always be so. You cannot be destroyed or created, but only become a creation, or uncreate yourself.
You are in a co-creative universe. You are part of the formulation of how creation is created. You are truly inseparable from source. And yet in this life on earth you have chosen to take the form of a human being in the cloak of physical reality and underneath, the cloak of spiritual form. Yet the transformation from physical form to spiritual form is immense. It is a completely new dimension and experience of consciousness, and it is a glorious one. One that will give you a great freedom to explore this universe in all of its creations, myriad of creations, in a way that you never dreamed possible. All the of the technology that you have now will seem like child’s play compared to what you are capable of in spirit form.
The process of moving into this form is one of transformation. Transformation from contraction, fear, shame, guilt and many other uncomfortable emotions and experiences including physical pain. It is not that the world of spirit is a perfect world for it comes with its own set of challenges. For life would be boring without challenges. You can experience the physical world and the spiritual world at the same time which is what is happening now on earth. As the rise of spiritual consciousness becomes stronger and the physical world begins to melt away, there are pains in letting go. The more you focus on love and peace and forgiveness the easier this transition will be.
Some of you will lose your physical bodies altogether and others will transform them into a light body. Yet both are forms of death for the physical form. When you truly transform into spirit with consciousness, you regain your spiritual body in a way that reflects your physical form. Not necessarily with all of its pains and wounds on every level but in its potential form. So there is a recognition that is possible once you have made this crossing in whichever way you choose to do it, you hold a pattern that enables you to be recognized by others. So that once you have crossed over, whether it be through transformation, full death of the body or light body transformation (neither one is better nor worse than the other, it is just a different process) you will still be recognized by others.
Even when you move into a greater God form and become a being of great largeness there are still elements that can be recognized. It is only when you make the final ascent into God consciousness that all identity is completely lost. Yet at this time it is not something to grieve. It is a coming home. It is a final, complete relaxation of every pressure to expand. You have become fully expanded and the infinity of your expansion then becomes relaxed. There is always a continuous motion, even in the most expanded states and yet in the complete God expansion state it is peaceful.
This awareness resides within you now and it is a focus on this that will give you the greatest peace. For when you have trials and troubles upon the earth in dealing with the physical body in all of it’s demands and needs, you can still find within you this great source of peace. For in every cell and in every expression that you have it is there. We encourage you to find it, to look for it by going inside of yourself and looking very, very closely. When you see that behind every form there is nothing, it will dissolve into a great infinite peace.
We love you very much and support you in this great awakening on earth today. It is surely a momentous event happening in this universe. You have a great deal of support and we are here to help you. You all have guides that are willing and waiting to help you. Allow yourself to discover the hidden wisdom that is everywhere. Blessed be.